January 2024 Message from the Director of the International Water Law Academy Professor Patricia Wouters

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dragon to each and all!

Welcome to this January issue of our Substack Newsletter ‘News and Views which provides a look at the Academy’s ambitious programme for 2024 and features also a special tribute to  Emerging Scholars Initiative (ESI), so very important for the future in our field.  

 Hot off the press is this  newly-published, open access, Frontiers in Climate journal paper: China’s transboundary hydropower development at home and abroad: exploring the regulatory interface between international water law and international economic law, authored by three Academy scholars - Prof. Patricia Wouters, Dr. Ana Maria Daza-Clark and Dr. David J Devlaeminck – and edited by and with a substantive contribution by the IWLA’s Prof. Owen McIntyre. The  Frontiers in Climate collected work includes scholarship by several Academy Affiliates – Dr Dinara Ziganshina and Dr Susanne Schmeier and builds upon the strong foundations of the work last year of hydropower expert group, namely the Checklist for Assessing the international law applicable to transboundary hydropower published by Northumbria University and co-authored by the IWLA’s Dr. Bernadette Adjei, Dr. Ana Maria Daza Vargas, Dr. David J Devlaeminck, Prof. Kong Lingjie, Prof. Owen McIntyre, Prof. Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Dr. Otto Spijkers, and Prof. Patricia Wouters, plus Dr. Oliver Hensengerth and Prof. Emmanuel Kasimbazi.

We look forward to our collaboration in 2024! 


The Year Ahead - Focus for 2024 – Convergence and Community
At the meeting in Wuhan last September, we explored how convergent rules of international law contribute to transboundary water cooperation and the Water Action Agenda established at the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023. Participants at the Wuhan meeting proposed that a research project on Convergence should be instituted, to be led by Prof. Owen McIntyre, supported by Prof. Lingjie Kong and Prof. Patricia Wouters. This topic will be featured at our 2024 University of Edinburgh conference in late June.

Meetings 2024 

In 2024, IWLA will hold expert meetings in both China and Scotland, with a central theme on convergence and due diligence. More broadly, here are some of the meetings upcoming in 2024 that the IWLA will lead or participate in:

UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy & Science, Research Symposium
Dundee, Scotland, February 22, 2024 

UNECE Water Convention Global Workshop on Droughts in Transboundary Basins  
Salle XXVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, February 26 - 27, 2024

IWLA World Water Day, Shenzhen (watch this space for further details), March 22, 2024

10th World Water Forum, World Water Council, Bali, Indonesia, May 18 - 24, 2024

IWLA meeting – Convergence and Community, University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, UK, June 26 - 27, 2024 

International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress and Exhibition 2024
Toronto, Canada, August 11 - 15, 2024

World Water Week 2024, Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future
Stockholm, Sweden, August 25 - 29, 2024

Emerging Scholars Initiative

The Emerging Scholars Initiative (ESI) brings together emerging scholars of international water law and connect the next generation of water lawyers. Operating online via Slack and WhatsApp, the ESI aims to promote community building, supporting emerging scholars and elevating their voices. To achieve these goals, the ESI offers a broad range of activities, including regular Director’s Coffee Corners, guest speakers and meet the affiliate events online. The ESI is organized by Dr. David J Devlaeminck, Ms. Zaki Shubber and Dr. Melissa McCracken.


Dr. David J. Devlaeminck is Associate Professor at the School of Law, Chongqing University and a founding member of the Academy. In Chongqing he conducts teaching and research in international environmental law and international water law, and coaches the Jessup Moot Court team. He has published extensively in international water law, including a monograph,  (Routledge 2021).


Ms Zaki Shubber is a lawyer and CEDR mediator specialising in national and international water law and in conflict resolution. She is currently pursuing doctoral research at the Queen Mary University in London on the concept of uncertainty in international law governing freshwater resources. Zaki worked as a lecturer in law and water diplomacy at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands, where she taught water law, water conflict management and water diplomacy for many years. 


Dr. Melissa McCracken currently holds the William R Moomaw Assistant Professorship of International Energy and Resource Policy at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. She directs the Shared Waters Lab and is an affiliate with the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy and the Center for International Law and Governance at Fletcher where she does research on international water policy and management, cooperation and conflict over shared surface and groundwaters, and conflict transformation surrounding environmental resources.

Interviews with ESI Scholars


Dr. Chenjun Zheng, (PhD)
Assistant Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

1. How did you learn about Emerging Scholars Initiative (ESI) of the Academy?
My introduction to the Academy's Emerging Scholars Initiative (ESI) came about nearly three years ago, through an invitation from David J. Devlaeminck. He informed me about this platform which is a hub for engaging with experts in international water law. At the time, I was a fresh doctoral graduate and was very happy to receive this invitation in exploring job opportunities, because of my aspiration to delve deeper into international water law research. This invitation was timely and crucial for connecting with the academic world, so I gladly accepted it.

2. How does belonging to the ESI network of Scholars and Experts benefit your research?
Being a part of the ESI network of scholars and experts has significantly enriched my research journey. This network regularly holds online seminars to invite academic experts to share insights on research methodologies, academic writing, and professional experiences. Such interactions not only broaden my knowledge and help me understand the latest trends and developments in academia, but also stimulated my passion for research. I am thankful for being a part of this stimulating environment.

3. How can you the Academy contribute to your career development, and how can (do) you contribute to the work of the Academy?
The shared objective of the Academy is to promote the advancement of international water law and better respond to water-related environmental challenges and development issues. The Academy provides me with more possibilities and facilitates my integration into a global network of academic exchange. It provides opportunities for attending conferences and publishing scholarly works. A recent example is my article on transboundary glaciers published in the Journal of Water Law, supported by the Academy. Of course, these endeavours are just the start. I hope to contribute more to the Academy's growth, support its initiatives, and enhance its research capacity and influence.

Dr. Aline Tell (PhD)


Post-Doctoral Research Assistant,  Institute of Environmental Sciences / Environmental Governance and Territorial Government Hub, University of Geneva     
1. How did you learn about Emerging Scholars Initiative (ESI) of the Academy?
While doing my PhD at the University of Geneva, Dr. David Devlaeminck, who is affiliated with the International Water Law Academy at Wuhan University contacted me in autumn 2021 to present the ESI and its objectives to connect the next generation of international water lawyers. Since then, ESI has grown into a dynamic group of passionate researchers eager to exchange on water law and the academic research journey. 

2. How does belonging to the ESI network of Scholars and Experts benefit your research?
The ESI provided me with a supporting space to discuss my doctoral research. Not only did I get valuable comments from more experts Like Prof. Patricia Wouters, Dr. David Devlaeminck, Dr. Melissa McCracken and peers, but it also gave me the opportunity to acquire theoretical and methodological knowledge thanks to the organisation of monthly workshops covering various dimensions of legal research in academia. It has strengthened my skills and enhanced the quality of my analysis through the exchange of ideas, literature, and methods, but also given me a place to discuss my doubts as an emerging scholar.

3. How can you the Academy contribute to your career development, and how can (do) you contribute to the work of the Academy?
Thanks to ESI and the Academy, I got the opportunity to participate in a blog post and publish my first article in a special issue of the Journal of Water Law in winter 2023, raising my profile as a water law scholar. Furthermore, it fosters a network of brilliant emerging researchers with whom I hope to collaborate on future publications. Coming from a non-legal background and implementing interdisciplinary approaches to the topic of water law, I hope to participate in enriching and diversifying the commonly used perspectives and contribute to bringing new ideas, while supporting other emerging scholars in the field.

Interested in joining the IWLA Emerging Scholars Initiative? Do you work in international water law or regularly engage with international water law? All are welcome, and we define “emerging scholar” as broadly as possible – graduate students, recent graduates, new faculty members, young practitioners, or anyone who might identify as an emerging scholar. Anyone interested should contact Dr. David J Devlaeminck at djdevlaeminck@live.com for more details!

International Water Law Academy Research and Publications

Special Issue – The Role of International Law in Tackling the World’s Transboundary Water Challenges: Voices from Emerging Scholars



A special issue was published in 2023, featuring articles from 6 ESI authors (Dr. Mohsen Nagheeby, Dr. Imad Antoine Ibrahim, Dr. Aline Telle, Ms. Zaki Shubber, Mr. Kerry Neal and Dr. Chenjun Zheng) on emerging topics in international water law, as well as a book review of Dr. Melissa McCracken's book, Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation, written by Dr. Miharu Hirano. https://www.lawtext.com/publication/the-journal-of-water-law/contents/volume-28/issue-1



Frontiers in Climate - Open Access:
China’s transboundary hydropower development at home and abroad: exploring the regulatory interface between international water law and international economic law, January 23, 2024, (Prof. Patricia Wouters, Dr. Ana Maria Daza-Clark and Dr. David J Devlaeminck). This paper is part of the research topic: Doubling hydropower by 2050 - What about the transboundary dimension? https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fclim.2023.1302103/full

Several affiliates published articles in this issue - Mara Tignino, Susanne Schmeier, Dinara Ziganshina and Owen McIntyre. Their articles can be found in the link below. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/30628/doubling-global-hydropower-capacity-by-2050---what-about-the-transboundary-dimension/articles

Special Issue of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law
The Academy’s global affiliates will produce a special issue of the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law (Francis and Taylor). Prof. Don Smith is the Managing Editor for the journal, welcoming the IWLA’s Prof. Patricia Wouters, Dr. David Devlaeminck and Dr. Ana-Maria Daza Clark alongside him as guest editors for this Special Issue.

Working Group on Water Law – Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development, World Bank

Dr. Christina Leb, Senior Counsel at the Environment and International Law Department (LEGEN) of the World Bank leads a new Water Law Working Group under the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development (GFLJD) housed at the World Bank.


Bibliography of the International Court of Justice




IWLA Scholars have been listed on the 2020-2022 Bibliography of the ICJ. 

Prof. Agnes Chong, p. 154

Prof. Lingjie Kong, p. 59

Dr. Renee Martin-Nagle, p. 158

Prof. Owen McIntyre, p. 158

Dr. Tamar Meshel, p. 210

Dr. Ruby Moynihan Magsig, p. 159

Dr. Otto Spijkers, p. 92

Dr. Mara Tignino, p. 161



We look forward to our upcoming activities  with you in 2024!

Happy new year for the Year of the Dragon!



Communications Team:  
Ms. Dale Campbell, Mr. Daniel Gilbert, Dr. Yang Liu, Ms. Tian Yunhe
Affiliates – share your news with us for future issues of
Substack News & Views, email us at: Dale.IWLA@proton.me